Installing a charging station and making it operational: who does what?

Mobiflow facilitates the transition to electric driving with advanced management software for charging infrastructure. By collaborating with expert installers, Mobiflow delivers a complete solution of both hardware and software. A successful installation requires not only the right technology but also a clear division of tasks among the involved parties. This ensures not only a smooth and seamless charging experience but also clear points of contact for any questions or issues.

This page provides an overview of the responsibilities and tasks of Mobiflow, the Charge Point Operator (CPO), and the eMobility Service Provider (eMSP), as well as those of the installer.

For questions regarding the responsibilities or tasks of Mobiflow, you can contact our support service via the email address or by phone at the number 09/296.45.45.
For questions regarding the responsibilities or tasks of the installer, you can contact the installer directly. The contact details of the installer can be found on the charging device.

Mobiflow responsibilities:

Mobiflow platform: Setup and support for the end customer

  • Create a user account.
  • Set up CPO and/or eMSP contracts, including payment mandate.
  • Ensure platform availability.
  • Offer platform demos upon request.

Mobiflow platform: Setup and support for the installer

  • Configure the QA & MT platform and login.
  • Ensure platform availability.
  • Provide e-learnings.
  • Supply hardware manuals and information for self-installation.

Mobiflow charging card: Delivery, activation, and configuration

  • Provide charging cards to fleet managers (B2B) or installers (B2C) for further distribution.
  • Activate and configure charging cards in the Mobiflow platform.
  • Configure whitelist or discount list upon end customer request.

Charging station management and monitoring

  • Link the charging device to the user and set reimbursement tariff in case of a public charging device.
  • Provide customer support for charging station management (authentication, account management, contracts, reporting).
  • Provide customer support for monitoring (status and charging sessions, remote actions such as rebooting).

Billing and payment processing

  • Configure split billing and process billing and payments.
  • Process charging sessions and payments from end users.
  • Bill subscription costs.
  • Process public charging sessions with CPOs/eMSPs.

Installer responsibilities


  • Schedule the installation date after coordination with the end customer.
  • Install the charging station at the designated location.
  • Connect the charging station to the correct electrical network.


  • Connect and configure the charging station with the Mobiflow CPO platform.
  • Test the charging station for correct operation.
  • Resolve any technical issues during installation.
  • Provide platform configuration details to Mobiflow.
  • Request a technical inspection if needed.


  • Resolve hardware or connectivity issues to ensure high availability.
  • Provide first-line service for fault detection and resolve hardware failures.
  • Provide technical support to Mobiflow after installation.

Technical inspection

  • Visually inspect the charging station, including the housing.
  • Check the electrical installation.
  • Perform a firmware upgrade if available.
  • Replace filter mats if necessary.

Safety and quality

  • Follow safety regulations during installation.
  • Ensure a high-quality installation.

Raise end-customer awareness

  • Raise awareness with the end customer about the correct use of the charging station.

Documentation and reporting

  • Update technical data and location information.